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Space Availability - Fleet

Sweet Briar College has 4 vehicles that members of the community can reserve, provided they have completed the van certification class. The vehicles are:

  • KL6: 11 passengers (including the driver)
  • Caravan: 7 passengers (including the driver)
  • Vixens: 15 passengers (including the driver)
  • Vixens1: 15 passengers (including the driver) 
  • Vixens3: 15 passengers (including the driver) 

The vehicles on Sweet Briar’s fleet are in high demand. As such, there are some things you need to know about reservations and things you can do to be a respectful community member.

  • Please note: The three 15-passenger vans (Vixens, Vixens 1, and Vixens 3) can only be driven by van-certified faculty and staff. The 11-passenger van (KL6) and 7-passenger van (Caravan) can be driven by van-certified students.
  • Please make your van reservation in advance. Waiting until the last minute will decrease your chances of van availability.
  • Be specific with the hours you need the van so others may use it after you are done. Please do not reserve the vehicles for longer than you need.
  • Please save your confirmation email! If your plans change and you no longer need to use the vehicle you have reserved, please be respectful of other members of our community and cancel your reservation on LibCal. The link in your confirmation email will enable you to cancel.
  • Please read the Sweet Briar College Driving Policy before you reserve any Sweet Briar van.
  • If you and another faculty/staff member agree to switch vans on a specific date and time, please make sure you both cancel your original booking and rebook with the new dates and vans you plan to use so that we have an accurate record of our fleet. This is a vital part of keeping our community safe.

Please do not call the campus safety office to ask who has a vehicle at a particular time or to make a change to an existing reservation so that you may use a vehicle.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding