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Public Events Calendar > VCCA Salon- Ruth Jeyaveeran and Sarah Jones

VCCA Salon- Ruth Jeyaveeran and Sarah Jones
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Reahard Learning Gallery
Ruth Jeyaveeran's textile & fiber work explores our tenuous relationship to the natural world. Drawing from her experience as part of the South Asian diaspora, she examines the inherent connections between our bodies, our communities, and nature as a way to confront feelings of otherness, alienation, and dissociation. Jeyaveeran lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
Sarah Jones covers issues of labor and inequality as a senior writer for New York Magazine. She won the 2019 Mirror Award for media criticism and her first book, The Sin-Eaters, tells the story of the pandemic through the lives and deaths of the American working class.
As many as 400 artists a year enjoy residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Fellows, as they are known, frequently visit SBC classes, and each month, the Center hosts an evening Salon Series, in which two or three Fellows are invited to campus to present their work to the community.
This event is free and open to the public.