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Senior Dance Concert: Emma Wilk & Mary Catherine Warner

Senior Dance Concert: Emma Wilk & Mary Catherine Warner

Friday, January 24, 2025 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Upper Dance Studio

Join us on January 24th and 25th for a night of dance! Presenting the senior dance concerts, “Thallasophile” by Emma Wilk and “To Come With The Storm” by Mary Catherine Warner. This collection of concerts is a culmination of Emma and Mary Catherine’s dance studies and time at Sweet Briar. This is a free, unticketed event, with a reception to follow.


This concert follows the journey of a wave, from its smallest state, to its largest storm, and the calm that can be found afterward. A single drop of water has quite the story. It sees so much, becomes something bigger from where it first started, and is affected and changed by others it meets along the way, just as people are.

To Come With The Storm: 

When you encounter a struggle in life, one possible solution is finding a happy place. This concert represents the struggles through a storm and the peace afterward, where you’d find a happy place that is a getaway from life. Everyone should be given the chance to find their happy place throughout their struggles, and this is one place I envision mine being.

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Time Zone: Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)

1:00pm - 4:00pm